Meeting you where you are at is the way you can expect your wellness journey to begin at Allergy Center of Bend, LLC. Providing personalized, high-quality care, I am dedicated to assisting you in improving your health and ability to enjoy your true essence at your desired pace.
Kristen Jividen is the founder of Allergy Center of Bend, LLC. With life-long experience as a highly sensitive being and more than a 17-year history in healthcare, she has a passion for living a healthy lifestyle and for helping clients to realize their goals by encouraging growth at their own pace. Using holistic tools she has learned throughout her career and life experience including energetic readings, coaching, teaching, guided meditations, nutrition counseling, Advanced Allergy Therapeutics, she has seen amazing results for her clients. After living away from home for some time, she happily returned to Bend in 2013.
There is more to the body than just the physical part you can see and touch; an energetic and spiritual part is present and just as vital. The soul, spirit, or essence is at the “center” or, at least, that is where it should be. Over time, our environment can disrupt the flow state of one or all of these components of the body which can cause symptoms. These disruptions are like wounds that can be carried around for any amount of time--since in the womb, 15 years ago, 10 days ago or 5 minutes ago.
Just like every person is unique, so are the symptoms. These symptoms can include sneezing, coughing, shortness of breath, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, nausea, headaches, migraines, rashes, hives, swelling, pain, anxiety and depression, to name a few. One person may experience pain and rashes while another person has shortness of breath and constipation or any number of combinations. Each individual and their particular symptoms are treated according to the their individual needs. Sessions are completed using a number of tools (one example is muscle testing) that have been collected over the last 2 decades. Most of the tools used are working with the energetic body as well as coaching and education as needed. By reading the body in it's current state and helping the individual to heal the wounds, the body returns to its' more natural state, thereby reducing the symptoms experienced by the client. Thus, by doing so, the essence of self is more centered.
At times our bodies can heal these wounds on its own, other times it could use some help. Most clients who make their way to Allergy Center of Bend, LLC have already tried conventional ways of healing—medications, supplements, allergy shots, as well as diet changes, avoidance, techniques such as hypnotherapy, Reiki, bio-feedback, NAET, acupuncture. By the time they come to Allergy Center of Bend, LLC, it's simply another thing to try since they have tried everything else. Although most clients have had long-term chronic symptoms and have tried many different ways of healing, anyone can benefit from this therapy. Athletes have come to Allergy Center of Bend to be at their best self for top performance, Mothers have come to be at the top of their game to raise the children of the future in order to save the human race, Nurses, Doctors, Fire Fighters, have come to better their health so they can serve others in the community. Most everyone notices beneficial changes in their symptoms within an average of 3-5 visits, some notice immediately while other bodies take longer.
We offer symptom relief from many acute symptoms such as itchy, watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, red itchy skin that are primarily caused by reactions to animals, pollens, contactants, etc...
It is not necessary to know the cause(s) of the symptoms before booking.
You can rely on us to treat long-term symptoms such as post-nasal drip, cough, skin rashes, abdominal and intestinal pain, constipation, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, cramping, gas, reflux, heartburn that are primarily caused by reactions to food or other ingestants.
Hours Tuesday - Friday
All appointments are currently phone sessions only.